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This is,

As a team with a sense of responsibility and mission to the society, we are grateful to serve the society and promote the development of international sports.

Our team will play a role in the innovation of international sports, international events, international sports city, sports capital and sports competition mode, and move forward to promote the development of human sports.

Some members of the Advisory Committee (in no particular order)

*  Wang Jianguo  --  Visiting Professor of Business Administration, Informatization, Internet Development and Business Model R&D Consultant

Yun Zujia [Yunwalker] Chairman

*  Zhou Weiguo --  Doctor of Management, Academician of British Academy, Dean of School of Management, Professor, Doctoral Advisor, Singapore Finance and IPO Advisor

*  Li Zhenghua --  Dean Professor and Doctoral Advisor of Law School, Legal Advisor of International Law, Arbitration, Intellectual Property and IPO

*  Xu Ding --  Director Professor and Doctoral Advisor of the MBA Center, International Relations, Island Culture and Investment Adviser of the Yangtze River Delta

*  Lin Junfeng --  Associate Dean, Professor, Doctoral School of Business Administration, Doctoral Advisor, Chairman of CCB Holdings (China) Co., Ltd

*  Hu Xinglong --  President, Professor and Doctoral Advisor of the Party School of Business Administration, International News and Investment Adviser of the Pearl River Delta

Dr. Liu Haifeng --  Iternational software expert, consultant of international intellectual property and entrepreneurship platform

Dr. Fan Shihong  --  US IPO, International Fund

Secretary of the Advisory Committee

Li Hanxiong -- EMBA Master, Interior Secretary

Chen Wei -- Doctor of Business Administration, full-time secretary of Internet investment

Under the Advisory Committee

1. Investment Decision making Committee

2. Investment and Financing Cooperation Committee


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